Friday, November 11, 2016

Mt.Kailash Yatra

‘In a thousand legends of the gods, I could not tell thee about the glories of the Himalayas…just as the dew is dried by the morning sun, so are the sins of mankind by the sight of the Himalayas’… - The Skanda Purana -

They say the Himalayas are sacred to the Hindus…& Mount Kailash is said to have taken shape millions of years ago during the early stages of the formation of the Himalayan chain.
As said, Mount Kailash is sacred for these religions:

Hindus – Mount Kailash is known as abode of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, and known as the centre of   the   universe…
Jains – Mt. Ashtapada is where the first Tirthankar Bhagwan Rishabhdev attained Nirvana.
Buddhists and Bonpas of Tibet - known as the centre of   the   universe

Mt. Kailash is geographically based significantly in a remote south-west corner of Tibet, an astoundingly symmetrical 22,028 foot giant pyramid with a diagonal gash visible on one of its faces. The peak that is Mt. Kailash is mentioned as a 'compelling, dome-shaped peak, rising above a desolately beautiful 13,000 ft plateau of rainbow-colored rocks'. Mt. Kailashis called Kang Rinpoche, or the ‘Precious Mountain’ in Tibetan. There is a belief that poet-yogi, Milarepa (in the11th Century,) was the only person to have set foot on its peak, and he accomplished the feat by flying there or so the myth goes. Tibetans regard this mountain as the expression of Mount Meru, “the navel of the earth” where founder of the Bon religion, Tonpa Shenrab, is imagined to have descended from heaven. The peak is an unbelievably awesome sight when the early morning rays of the sun fall on it in a sparkling myriad of colours of maroon, pink & gold; & during moonlit starry nights, the colors of rusted gold that falls on its face is a spectacle of absolute bliss… ancient Hindu scriptures say: doing a parikrama (walking around the mountain – about 53 km) wipes out a whole lifetime of multiple sins and one is freed from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. The 6,714m peak is believed to be the actual abode of Lord Shiva – the omnipotent destroyer - & creator who is the center from which mount kailash takes its universal importance for all Hindus in particular, and is also the sacred seat of Adinath, the first of the Jains.

The odyssey to Mt. Kailash is a vital & ‘must do’ pilgrimage for millions of Buddhists and Hindus once in a lifetime, in addition to Jains and also to Bonpos. For the faithful that make one circuit of the sacred Mt. Kailash (54 km/32-mile) is said to be enough to wipe out all the sins of a whole lifetime. However, eliminating all the sins of your lifetimes is a giant task; the key sin wash-up requires 108 revolutions…& bathing in the icy sapphire waters of Lake Mansarovar at the mountain's base is said to wipe out the sins of innumerable lifetimes.

 The sacredness of Lake Mansarovar:
The circumference of Mansarovar is 90 Km, & its  depth  is 90m; the total geographical area is 320 Sq. Km, at 14,950 ft above sea level, & this makes this the highest and biggest freshwater lake in the world which lies south of Mt. Kailash, the eastern lake of two in the region. A ring of eight Buddhist monasteries once surrounded the quiet of the lake.
According to Hindu scriptures, the lake was first created in the mind of the Lord Brahma after which it took its creation on Earth. Hence, in Sanskrit it is called “Manas sarovara”, which is a combination of the words manas (mind) and sarovara (lake).Also, as per scriptures, taking a dip in holy lake brings purity to soul, and one who drinks water from the lake will find himself in the Abode of Lord Shiva after death. He is believed to be cleansed of all his sins committed over even a hundred lifetimes.
The water of the lake changes its color by the passing of its water, which cannot be described nor can be captured by the best of cameras…or so the myth goes…

Kailash and Manasarovar are identified in the holy Hindu books of Skanda Purana, Vishnu Purana, Rama­yana and Mahabharata. So the Kailash Mansarovar yatra to a spiritual person can be about searching and discovering God within himself, more than any place outside of the conscience. One experience common to most pilgrims is the presence of God at every step you take on this yatra!
And for those who love nature or the ardent adventurer; this can be a place of eternal bliss. The yatra offers grasping mountain vistas and other sacred sites on the Mt. Kailash trail.

The bottom-line of this yatra is: peace and harmony throughout all society but first peace and harmony must be inside of us! And above all, the great realization must be that – the purpose of this human birth is to do “nishkam seva” or give true respect to every other living creature on this mother of all planets…EARTH…


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