Friday, August 14, 2015

Langtang Solar Trek

Langtang Solar Trek :
Plantation of Solar power system in different geographical trekking route of Langtang Area.

Implemented Organization :
Tourism Forum-Nepal


Email :



1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Background :
2.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Objectives :       
3. Target Group :                                                                                                      
4. Trekking Routes :                                                                                                  
5. Number of Solar System :                                                                                    
6. How system works? :                                                                                            
7. Rationale :                                                                                                             
8. Outputs :                                                                                                               
9. Methodology :                                                                                                      
9.1.      Finding location :                                                                                        
9.2.      Installation of Solar System :                                                                      
9.3.      Maintenance the multiple pluck and Battery:                                            
10.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Human Resources :   
11.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Work Program :        
11.1.        1st Phase: Survey      
11.2. 2nd Phase: Action         
11.3. 3rd Phase: Evaluation and documentation.

12. Budget :

Langtang Solar Trek :
Plantation of Solar power system in different geographical trekking route of Langtang Area.

1.      Background : Nepal, it is queen of beautiful Himalayas, untouched nature and dareful adventurous best place across the world. It has many climbing picks and plenty of trekking route for adventure travelers. Langtang trekking route is popular around the world and destroyed most of the trekking service route, hotels, guesthouses, and many entities in April and May earthquake 2015. Before the devastated earthquake many tourists are disappeared in this route due to the confusion of route finding.
2. Objectives :
1) To install the solar light and power back up system in different location of Langtang trekking route.
2) To make easy trekking by power backup system to charge the torch light, mobile, GPS system, digital music system, power backup devices and Cameras of trekkers.
3. Target Group : The benefitted target groups of this project is international travelers, trekkers, local entrepreneur and trekking guides, porters and related people. 
4. Trekking Routes : Langtang trekking route.
5. Number of Solar System : 15 
6. How system works? : We fix the solar system, battery backup with multiple charging system where the electricity is not available in the waiting junction of the trekking route. Trekkers, guides and porter will charge their electronic devices using power back up. The GPS system available in the trekker's mobile or GPS devices will help the new trekkers to prevent from confusion of the finding route for the single/couple/family trekkers. 
7. Rationale : Nepal government policy is very tourists friendly, anyone can receive the TIMS card to trek without guide. To support the policy of the government, we are making Langtang trekking route single/couple/family trekkers friendly. Small problem can poisoned all the wonderful adventure. Anyone can be delighted from the adventure and confidence in power backup in their electronic devices which helps them to make their trek more romantic and more adventurous.
8. Outputs : Solar power backup system will facilitates more to the trekkers, guides and porters. 
8.1. Trekking will be more trekkers friendly, and group or single trekkers will be more confident.
8.2. Trekkers will take advantage from the solar power back system.
8.3. Organize trekking will be more comfortable.
9. Methodology : The solar power back system will be installed from beginning to end of the trekking route in different 20s location where, hotels, restaurant and other services can not be available.
11.2.                    Finding location : We will find the different location to installed the solar power backup system. 
11.3.                    Installation of Solar System : We installed the solar system with battery backup which is charging continuous. Security of the solar system, multiple pluck and battery will be confirmed.
11.4.                    Maintenance the multiple pluck and Battery: Maintenance of the battery, caring of the solar panel and multiple pluck will be challenged, we confirmed it before installation by local social club or organization.

12.  Human Resources : We use the trained technician to install the solar panel and batteries,
1.      Guide………………………………………………..1
2.      Porter : …………………………………………….15
3.      Coordinator : …………………………………...1
4.      Foreign coordinator………………………….2

13.  Work Program :
13.1.        1st Phase: Survey
We do survey first and decide the trails where is possible to install the solar panel and batteries.

11.2. 2nd Phase: Action
We transport the equipments to the field and install on time.

11.3. 3rd Phase: Evaluation and documentation.
We prepare documents with illustration as archive.

11.      Budget :
The following cost is included transportation, meals, porters, guide, management team, donors, communication, accommodation, documentation and report preparation and necessary logistic Total cost USD 30000. interested party NGO ING please welcome +977-9851090105

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