Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ganesh Parbat Netra Tal (Phulkharka Home Stay ) Trekking in Nepal Himalaya .

Trying to benefit communities through tourism Nepal, home to the mighty Himalayas, spectacular landscapes, and unique cultural and religious heritage makes it a great destination for tourist around the globe.Nepal’s tourism is primarily focused around the Everest, Annapurna and Lantang region.This concentration of tourist flow in these region has put increased pressure on the fragile eco - system, waste management issues and the over use of local resources and rapid changes in local lifestyle.It has become increasingly important to open new destinations to lessen this pressure onother areas, while at the same time spreading the benefits of tourism to other communities across Nepal.So in order to explore new destinations around Nepal, we put together a team of 5 individuals from different walks of life. This team was led by veteran traveler Ripu Mardan, a wellknow person in the field of tourism, Puskar Adhikari (Briarwood, USA), Erika Karki (Auckland,New Zealand), Yelamber Singh Adhikari (Baneshwor, Kathmandu) Ashraya Kadariya(Karachi, Pakistan) and travelled to the Netra Tal Sky Camp Region this past March.We found this region of Netra Tat, nestled between Manaslu Conservation Area to the westand Lantang National Park to the east, to be a truly hidden gem. In the villages we passed,we experienced the simple life, where people ate what they grew, milk still came from thesource, cloths were still stitched by the local tailor, main mode of transport was still on footand where people still danced to traditional instruments.So we looked for ways we could promote this region in a sustainable manner, bring in economic, environmental and social benefits and at the same time working to keep awaythe negative effects of tourism.1. Economic and Employment Benefits Tourism offers important, satisfying employment opportunities for a wide range of people,such as first time workers and youths who benefit from entry level positions where lifelong skillsare acquired.Students and elders can appreciate the flexibility of part time and seasonal work. In addition,tourism industry will rely heavily on entrepreneurs. A wide range of small businesses benefits from tourism. One example that is already taking place in the region is revenue generation through boat rentals at Netra Tal. Growth in tourism business is largely driven by new investments from existing operators within the region and or attracting entrepreneurs fromoutside the community who create and market new tourism attractions and experiences.2. Social Benefits Increased tourism can allow local residents to benefit from the same services and facilitiesdeveloped to support tourism.In addition, local businesses typically benefit from enhanced revenue, which in turn leads togrowth in the number and size of business and service options for residents.Special local events like musical and cultural festivals, fairs and sporting events that areenjoyed by local residents have the potential to attract large number of other visitors.Tourist attractions that have a strong recreational and outdoor focus (eg. Trail running,mountain biking, rock climbing) also create new opportunities for the locals.Tourism not only brings income and physical upgrades to a community, they can also bringnew ideas and information which benefit local residents. In some cases skills can also bebrought through organizations.The scenery, heritage and culture of a community (sometimes taken for granted by localcommunity) may be of interest to visitors. When local residents see how much touristappreciate these community assets, civic pride is nourished and locals are further inspired topreserve, develop and share these unique treasures.3. Environmental BenefitsGreat focus gets placed on the conservation of natural resources within the communitythrough the recognition of their importance to drawing visitors and providing economicbenefits.  The Himalayan sky camp (NETRA TAL), A new destination “Off the beaten trail”Himalayan Sky Camp Netra Tal region is nestled between Manaslu Conservation Area to the West,Lantang National Park to the East and Tibet to the North, making it one of Nepal’s hidden gem. Thisnewly explored region with it mighty Himalayas, spectacular landscapes, and unique cultural andreligious heritage makes it one of the best new regions for anyone’s adventure list.Hike to Ganesh Parbat, a sacred site perched on a bare rock face cliff, where Shamans convergeto draw spiritualenergy and strengthen their powers or hike to Tinsure hilltop from where you get the best views ofManaslu (8,156m) and Ganesh Himal (7,422m) range. Stay overnight at Pokhara Dada’s Sky Campfor an amazing experience. Visit numerous villages, schools and small settlements where their lifestylehave remained unchanged, watermills, terrace farming and animal pulled ploughs are a way of lifein this region.Netra Tal (Tal means Lake in Nepali) is formed by glacier fed river originating from the Ganesh Himal(7,422m) Range. The crystals clear stream pool provides an excellent break during your trek aroundthe region, while the Akhu River provides an amazing location for a swim and camp overnight. Thefresh water river with its numerous small little fishes also serves as a fish spa. The Tal provides an excellentboating experience, where you may fish or soak in the beautiful scenery and its numerousmigratory birds.The region also offers great para gliding, mountain biking and trail running routes. We offer custommade packages anywhere between 7 days to 20+day. Whether you choose to fly on a helicopter orcatch a jeep over and around the hills to your starting point, we let you decide. Here you’ll live theadventure of the dreams far from the hustle and bustle of the other popular trekking regions of Nepal.Come live the dream .3- Join a fully supported trek to enchanting Himalayan Sky Camp Region.- Take in spectacular 360-degree views of surrounding Himalayan Range.- Soak in crystal clear spring water stream pools, swim in amazing slow flowing river, and paddle boat around Nerta Tal.- Have an amazing BBQ lunch by the river and dinner around a camp fire by the lake.- Yoga in the Himalayas led by an experienced Guru.- Hike along the trail used by locals, witness their lifestyle around their villages and terrace farms.- Camp comfortably with great food, served by our professional staff.- Paraglide, Zipline, Whitewater rafting, Jungle safariNetra Tal To The Himalayan Sky Camps Adventure Trek4Important Notice: Day 1 is the day you should plan to arrive at the meeting point for your trip. This mayrequire departing your hometown one or more days in advance.

Day 1 - Welcome to vibrant Kathmandu where your Nepal adventure begins.Our trip begins today in Kathmandu, Nepal. After clearing through immigration and customs at theairport, you are met by our friendly staff and transferred to our hotel in the heart of the city, Thamel. Thearea is withinwalking distance of all major restaurants, unique shops and well equipped outdoor gear outfitters to helpyou purchase and trekking gear that you may require.The afternoon is left open to rest and explore some of the UNESCO (United Nations Educational ScientificCultural Organization) World Heritage Sites. Nepal is blessed to have ten such internationally recognizedsites of which seven are located within the capital city of Kathmandu.

Day 2 - Day 2 Kathmandu- Netra Tal – Mantari (Sky Camp Headquarter)5After a 45 minute boat ride exploring the tal you’ll officially being your trekking along the trail whereyou will be leaving behind the sounds of the modern world, just the sounds of nature, its birds, thecattle’s and farmers. Unlike on other popular treks, you will be able to take numerous breaks alongthe many Chautari (local rest stops built under trees), cool off in crystal clear spring water pools alongthe route.After the easy 3 hours hike, you will arrive at Mantari (Sky Camp Headquarter) by midafternoonwhere our team will prepare you lunch. After lunch you will be able to explore the surrounding villages.

You will be transported back in time as the ways of life in the villages have remained unchanged forcenturies. Sip cold drinks under the trees at the local chautari or chat with locals as the go about lifeat the village square, where people converge to pick up supplies and farmers come to sell their freshproduce. we will all assemble around camp for a session of yoga, led by our Yoga guru.After a healthy meal prepared using some of the fresh locally harvested vegetable you will be ableto sit around the camp fire or head to your tents for the night.The day starts off with a 20 minute helicopter ride. During the flight, you will get your first close viewsof Manaslu (8,156m) and Ganesh Himal (7,422m) Range, the rugged landscape, the mighty snowfed rivers, terrace farms and villages dotted all throughout the hills. The helicopter ride finishes rightnext to Netra tal (Netra means eyes and tal means Lake in the local Language). Along the shore ofthe tal you will see numerous colorful local and migratory birds on route to regions as far as Siberia. 
Day 3 – Mantari (Sky Camp Headquarter)-Village walk- (Eastern Sky Camp)You will wake up to beautiful views of the hills that surround the camp. Today we hike out from MantariSky CampHeadquarter towards the Eastern Sky Camp.The Eastern Sky Camp provides an excellent setting where you will be truly immersed in nature.After crossing the Fulkharka Village, we hike past picturesque “Pokhara Village” (not to be confusedwith Pokhara City) to the Eastern Sky Camp. The camp is set on a hilltop offering you the best views of Ganesh Himal (7,422m).Today you will also be able to visit the local school, one of the beneficiaries of Eco Trek International’ssocial development programs. Interact with students, help them with their art and craft classes, readstories for them, join the singing and dance classes and end the day with a friendly volleyball game.
Day 4 Pokhara Dad/Hill (Eastern Sky Camp) - Ganesh Parbat – Mandali - Mantari (SkyCamp Headquarter)We start our day with an early morning energizing yoga session. After breakfast, today our clients willbe able to be a part of an ancient practice of shamanism. Today’s trek involves a short hike up a steep trail that has been used for thousands of years by pilgrimsand shamans past two holy waterfalls to a shrine that is believed to be the mouth of Ganesh (the elephantheaded god of wisdom). The Shamans come to the site each month to draw spiritual energyand strengthen their powers while the locals are drawn to the site to offer prayers and offering duringtimes of drought. According to local legend, a prayer asking for rain has always been answered. Alsoat the same site, thousands are drawn to an annual festival each year during the month of october.After witnessing their ancient practices and being blessed by the priests with red and yellow tika’s(a practice of local blessing) on our forehead, we head down the path back to Mantari Sky CampHeadquarter. We spend the rest of the day enjoying the surrounding area.

Day 5 Mantari Sky Camp Headquarter – Netra Tal - Drive to Kathmandu or Charaudi/Kurintar/Chiwan/PokharaToday after breakfast we hike back towards Netra Tal . Along the hike you will pass many small setlements,where you won’t be hearing the sounds of the modern world, just the sounds of nature, itsbirds, the cattle’s and farmers.Unlike other popular treks, this trail gives you the best chance to experience true Nepal. You be ableto take numerous breaks along the many Chautari (local rest stops built under trees), cool off in crystalclear spring water pools along the route. Once you arrive at Netra Tal , you will have lunch by thecrystal clear river. You may choose to swim, boat or just lie around soaking the beautiful surroundings.From here on you may move on to your next adventure or choose to spend the next day to relax bythe river at Netra Tal . 
Day 6 -7 Live the adventure of your dreams and return back to Kathmandu Choose from the following activities:Location - Pokhara.Activity - Paragliding in the Himalayas, - Zip Line.Location - ChitwanActivity - Jungle Safari, - Ride on top of an elephant while exploring for tigers, rhinos and other wild animals and birds, finish the day bathing the elephants.Location - KurintarActivity - White water Rafting down the mighty Trishuli River.You may choose to drive back to Kathmandu to explore some of the other UNESCO World Heritage Sites.After all these activities.At the end of day 7, you may choose to end your holiday or extend it by choosing one of our other toursor treks. Choose from the popular treks around Everest or Annapurna region or the more secluded regionsof the Tsum Valley or Kanchenjunga.We have all the packages to suit your adventure. So come live the dream.

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